Washington County Hospital Recognizes Our Long-time Employees
WCH is proud to celebrate and recognize 15 employees with a combined total of 195 years of service to the Hospital and Medical Group. Presentation of Service Awards to employees by WCH President, Brian Monsma followed by a Banquet was held on Feb. 3rd.
Thanks to the dedication and service of all the following staff, many citizens of Washington County and the surrounding area have been helped.
Serving the hospital for over 25 years was Mary Purcell. Jennifer Allman, Judith Smolley, Michelle Niermann, Dena Moore, and Teresa Wisniewski have given their service for 20 years. Working for 15 years at WCH is Rhonda Stein. Kendra VanNatta, Nancy Steinkamp, and Patricia Stern have worked serving the hospital for 10 years. Honored for 5 years of service include Dr. Ginger Fewell, Erica Chamness, Alisha Kosma, Shannan Lemons, and Amy Giacomo.
WCH would like to again say thanks to all their employees for their hard work and dedication when caring for the people of Washington County.