Visitor Restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Due to heighten concern with increasing cases of COVID-19 in Illinois and our region, WCH has made the decision to implement a more rigid visitor restriction.
No visitor policy implemented on Long Term Care.
Emergency Department- one support visitor only no swapping in and out, must be the same person the entire time ( only exception would be with end of life care or critically ill)
Patients undergoing surgery or procedures – one support visitor only
Med/Surg- no visitors (only exception would be with end of life care or change in patient status)
Rural Health Clinic- one support person only with patient.
Also if you do plan to visit our facility please arrive a few minutes early. ** You will be asked 3 screening questions and your temperature will be checked.**
By placing these restrictions we are maintaining our commitment to care for our patients, residents, staff, and community, especially those most vulnerable amongst us. If you have any questions or are seeking clarification please contact nursing leadership or our emergency preparedness coordinator. Communication is key to our continued success in providing safe and effective care to our patients and residents. Thank you for your continued patience and participation in this challenging time.
Stacie Hodge RN, DON 618-327-2672
Tabitha Lane- Emergency Preparedness Coordinator- 618-327-2626