Employee Service Awards
Washington County Hospital Recognizes Our Long Term Employees
WCH is proud to celebrate and recognize 25 employees with a combined total of 395 years of service to the Hospital and Medical Group. Thank you to the dedication and service of all the following staff, many citizens of Washington County and the surrounding area have been helped.
Serving the hospital for over 40 years was Sue Maschhoff and Marty Skorczewski. Eric Cook and Val Huelsmann have been serving the hospital for 30 years and Joyce Elsesser and Clara Schwartz for 25 years. Working for 20 years are Casey Bochantin, Howard Davis, Dawn Lietz, and Nancy Newby. Madalyn Hoepker and Frances Kwiatkowski have worked serving the hospital for 15 years. With 10 years of service to the hospital are Samantha Harre, Tabitha Lane, Michelle Lovin, Deborah Moore, Nicole Pennington, and Frankie Piotrowski. Honored for 5 years of service include Dave Davenport, Darla Gottman, Lisa Halfacre, Stacie Hodge, Pam Lowry, Cathy Miller, and Jamie Murfin.