Deb Auld PA-C Patient Notice
The WCH Medical Group wants to welcome the patients of Deb Auld. We are working hard to get Deb trained on our computer system and up and running at full speed.
For her patients that are needing medication refills we want to make sure you have what you need. If you have ever received a service at WCH, even a lab or an xray, you should be in our computer system and we will be able to process a request for a short supply of medication during this busy transition time. In order to do this safely we will need some information. We will need your full medication list, the name of the medication you need refilled, your medication allergy list, and the pharmacy you use. For her patients that have an urgent care need you may be able to be seen quicker by another provider at the Washington County Medical Group. Don’t worry, you will still be able to see Deb when her training is complete and she can open her schedule to accommodate more patients.
If you are wanting to transfer records please stop by our Medical Records Department to sign a release of records. Medical Records Department hours are Monday-Friday 8-4:30pm.