2017 Annual Christmas Boutique Quilt Raffle
The Washington County Hospital Women’s Auxiliary are kicking off their Annual Christmas Boutique Quilt Raffle.
The Auxiliary is offering a 2nd prize this year of $100.00 cash and a 3rd prize of a $50.00 gift certificate to the Lattice Garden Gift Shop. This year’s beautiful quilt has been donated by Lisa Little, Chief Nursing Officer at WCH. The tickets for the raffle are $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. The tickets will be for sale from now until the Annual Christmas Boutique which will be held on November 14th at which time the winners will be drawn. The tickets will be for sale in the Lattice Garden Gift Shop located at the hospital, in the Thrift Store uptown, and through any Auxiliary Member. The WCH Women’s Auxiliary will also have a booth at the Fall Festival selling tickets. For more information about the WCH Women’s Auxiliary please contact current President, Melodie Wilkey at 618-314-0155.